International Master (Master Universitario di I livello)



The Master in "Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response" is aimed at strengthening the international efforts and enhancing cooperation to face emerging challenges towards the protection of cultural heritage from conflicts, illicit activities, natural disasters and climate change impact, and for enhancing the social and economic recovery capacity of the affected communities.
The program is part of the activities of the UNESCO Chair on Economics of Culture and Heritage: Strategies for Protection and Development at the University of Torino.



  • International Master



  • Language: English

  • Duration: One Year

  • Assisted distance learning phase: August 2025

  • On campus phase: September-December 2025

  • Individual study and project preparation: January-July 2026


Why this course

Why this course

The importance and the role of culture in crisis and post crisis scenarios has relevantly raised in the recent years, due to the emerging of new forms of conflicts and to the intensification of disasters.

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The Program aims to prepare a future generation of professionals with a multidisciplinary background and advanced expertise in the protection of cultural property in time of crisis and, more widely, in the role of culture for addressing the social and economic recovery of affected areas and communities.

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Period and Venue

Period and Venue

The Program will be held from August 2025 to July 2026. Lectures during the on campus phases will be held in a heritage building in the centre of Turin.

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Who can apply

Who can apply

Designed for graduates of all disciplines, the Program provides the tools to work in field operations in armed conflits or disasters scenarios and in the post conflict or post disaster recovery and reconciliation process. The minimum admission requirement is an Undergraduate degree - First cycle degree - Bachelor level degree.

Essential requirement: fluency in written and spoken English at a level equivalent to CEFR B2, certifiable with:
- University studies in English
- university exam in English language
- official certification at one of the following levels

English level CEFR IELTS TORFL iBT TOEFL CBT TOEFL PBT Cambridge Exams
Upper Intermediate B2 5.5-6.5 87-109 227-269 567-636 FCE First

All activities will be in English.

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Tuition fee & scholarship

Tuition fee & scholarship

The tuition fee is of 5.000,00 Euro.

The Master Course has a number of scholarships available that can cover all or part of the tuition fees.

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Application and deadlines

Application and deadlines

SCHOLARSHIPS: The Master Course has scholarships available to cover all or part of the tuition fees. Applicants requiring for scholarships are kindly requested to submit in advance their application.

Applications for partial or full scholarships will be accepted from April 14th 2025 to June 1st 2025 until 15.00 CET.

Applications to the Course will be accepted from May 5th 2025 to June 15th 2025 until 15.00 CET.

The application is NOT binding, but it is necessary to be admtted to the selection.

ATTENTION: It is possibile to apply only with the on-line modality. 


To apply to the Master Course you need to go through the following steps:


If you have already been a student at UniTO, also without concluding the degree course: you have already the credentials to access (username and password) and you do not need to register again.
If you have forgotten the credentials, please contact the free toll number 800098590 (from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m. and Saturday from 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.). Otherwise fill in the on-line form.

If you have never been a student at UniTO, register as “Futuro studente” (prospective student), following the instructions 
↓ Click on the menu below ↓

Prospective students with italian citizenship

If you are a prospective student with Italian citizenship you must register on the Portal with SPID credentials.

Follow these simple steps to register to the portal:
1. Connect to https://registrazionespid.unito.it/
2. Enter your SPID credentials
3. Choose a password and confirm it. The chosen password must be kept because it is used to access the portal once the registration process is completed. The password must:
  • be at least 8 characters long
  • contain at least one lowercase letter
  • contain at least one capital letter
  • contain at least one numeric character
  • contain at least one special character. All alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and the following special characters are allowed: !?-+*/\:;'"{}[]()
  • be different from the last 5 used and not contain your name, surname or username
  • not be a word in common use
The password expires after 180 day and then has to be changed.

After entering the required data, the system will automatically send an e-mail with the registration confirmation request. The e-mail contains the username assigned to the password selected upon registration. With the obtained username and password you can access the University’s website: www.unito.it/login.

Prospective students without italian citizenship

To register, you must have an e-mail that is active and operates regularly.

1. Go to https://registrazione.unito.it

2. Enter the required data and choose “Prospect student”

3. Choose a password and confirm it. The password you choose must be maintained because it will be needed to access the portal after you have completed the registration process. The password must:
  • be at least 8 characters long
  • contain at least one lowercase letter
  • contain at least one capital letter
  • contain at least one numeric character
  • contain at least one special character. All alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and the following special characters are allowed: !?-+*/\:;'"{}[]()
  • be different from the last 5 used and not contain your name, surname or username
  • not be a word in common use
The password expires after 180 day and then has to be changed.

After entering the required data, the system will automatically send a first e-mail with the registration confirmation request: confirmation must be made within 1 hour, according to the modalities indicated in the e-mail. If you do not confirm within the deadlines you must perform a new registration operation.

After confirming the registration, the system automatically sends a second email containing the username assigned to the user. With the obtained username and the password selected upon registration, you can access the University's website: www.unito.it/login.

Download the following tutorial to be guided step by step in the procedure: On line registration


With the obtained username and the password selected upon registration, you can access the University's website.

1. Access to the area MyUnito
2. Select the item “Iscrizioni” ("Enrolments"), which you can find in the upper left menu and afterwards the item “Test di ammissione” ("Admission Exam") to go on with the online application form. Choose the academic qualification "First level Master" and go on with the online application form. During this phase you are required to fill in the personal data inserted during registration phase.

You will get a pre-matriculation number.

STEP 3. Transmit the documentation

To complete the registration procedure for the Master's selections, it is necessary to notify the Corep secretariat of the online submission of the application for enrollment in the selections through the University Portal, and attach the documents listed below by filling in the following Google Form (CLICK HERE to log into).
Documents to attach via Google Form:
↓ Click on the menu below↓ 


  1. Receipt of the application to the Master's selections, with pre-matriculation number, issued at the end of the on-line procedure from the University Portal (if the procedure does not issue the receipt, attach the screenshot of the screen with the prematricola number).
  2. Self declaration (DPR 28 dicembre 2000 n. 445, artt. 46 e seg.) of the first or second cycle degree (Bachelor or Master) together with the transcript of records of the sustained examinations. For final year student it is sufficient a certificate of exams with marks. Download the model
  3. Curriculum vitae preferably according to the European standard (Download the model). It must include the authorization to the treatment of the personal data (Italian Decreto Legislativo 196/2003 e del GDPR - Regolamento UE 2016/679)
  4. Motivation letter
  5. Copy of a passport or identitiy card valid

STUDENTS WITH FOREIGN DEGREE - EU citizen or non-EU citizen already living in Italy

  1. Receipt of the enrollment to the Master's selections, with pre-matriculation number, issued at the end of the on-line procedure from the University Portal (if the procedure does not issue the receipt, attach the screenshot of the screen with the prematricola number).
  2. Curriculum vitae preferably according to the European standard (Download the model). It must include the authorization to the treatment of the personal data (Italian Decreto Legislativo 196/2003 e del GDPR - Regolamento UE 2016/679).
  3. Motivation letter
  4. First cycle degree (Bachelor) achieved in a University or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a non universitary institution, which allows students to continue their university career in the further cycle level.
  5. Original University study plan (Transcript of records) including details about passed exams, hours and grades.
  6. ATTENTION: The degree and the study plan need to be provided according to specific modalities. Download the Instructions.
  7. a copy of a valid residence permit (only for non–EU students)
  8. Valid identification document
  9. Italian individual Tax code (in Italian: codice fiscale). Non-resident individuals who need to obtain a tax code can apply for it to the Italian diplomatic-consular authorities in the country of residence.

STUDENTS WITH FOREIGN DEGREE - Non-EU citizen not living in Italy

  1. Receipt of the enrollment to the Master's selections, with pre-matriculation number, issued at the end of the on-line procedure from the University Portal (if the procedure does not issue the receipt, attach the screenshot of the screen with the prematricola number).
  2. Curriculum vitae preferably according to the European standard (Download the model). It must include the authorization to the treatment of the personal data (Italian Decreto Legislativo 196/2003 e del GDPR - Regolamento UE 2016/679).
  3. Motivation letter
  4. First cycle degree (Bachelor) achieved in a University or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a non universitary institution, which allows students to continue their university career in the further cycle level.
  5. Original University study plan (Transcript of records) including details about passed exams, hours and grades.
  6. ATTENTION: The degree and the study plan need to be provided according to specific modalities. Download the Instructions.
  7. Valid identification document
  8. Italian individual Tax code (in Italian: codice fiscale). Non-resident individuals who need to obtain a tax code can apply for it to the Italian diplomatic-consular authorities in the country of residence.
  9. After the admission to the Master, you must apply for the study visa at the competent Italian Consular and Diplomatic Delegation.
  10. Within 8 days after your arrival in Italy, you have to apply for the residence permit for study purposes. The course staff will help you you apply for the residence permit.


After the selection procedures, succesfull applicants will receive instructions to finalize their enrolment.


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Course contents

Course contents

The Program is worth a total of 60 credits (CFU - Crediti Formativi Universitari), for a total amount of 1.500 hours, divided as follows:

  • 388 hours of on-campus lectures and distance learning
  • 1112 hours of individual study and project preparation.

All activities will be in English.

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Exams and certifications

Exams and certifications

Upon successful completion of aforementioned requirements, the participants will be awarded a first level Specializing Master's Diploma in "Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response" from the University of Turin (see the scheme of the Italian Education System).

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Scientific Committee & Faculty


The Program is developed thanks to the contribution of numerous experts and teachers in the fields of International Law, Economics, Politcs, Sociology, Project Management and Information Management, together with various lecturers and practitioners from International Agencies, Military Forces and NGOs.


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Here below find some testimonies about the course by former Master's participants.


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Partners and Collaborations

The Program is organized by the Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis", the Department of Law, and the Interdepartmental University School for Strategic Sciences (SUISS) of the University of Turin, in collaboration with several partners.


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Press Release


 Press Release

Read below some articles about the Program.


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